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The essentials of patients' rights
FOPH | Federal Office of Public Health
How are you?" campaign
We talk about everything. Including mental health.
Health Promotion Switzerland
One of the world's leading causes of disability
Worldwide, one in five people will experience a mental health problem at some point in their lives. Studies have also shown that "if care is provided too late or is of insufficient quality, the risk of developing a serious, chronic illness or several illnesses at the same time (comorbidity), of suffering social isolation or of committing suicide increases" [1]. It is therefore essential to have easy access to specialized care and services in order to rapidly manage situations that are at risk of worsening and becoming chronic.
Get to know your mental health better
Throughout their stay, each person can assess their mental health status using computerized questionnaires. The therapist will take part in this assessment at various points during the follow-up. This procedure, known as "monitoring", ensures the quality of the assessment of a person's state of health and their therapeutic follow-up. The results are then discussed with the therapist.
Data are collected at the start of treatment, at three months and every six months thereafter, and a psychologist is available if required.
Sessions are planned by the Admissions Department at the first appointment, and then with the therapist present at the assessment.
Psychological disorders and treated illnesses
- Anxiety disorders
- Addictive disorders
(addictions) - Mood disorders
(depression, bipolar disorders) - Stress-related disorders
(post-traumatic stress disorder, burnout syndrome) - Personality disorders
- Sleep disorders
- Persistent painful somatoform disorder and other somatoform disorders
- Eating disorders
- Schizophrenia and other forms of psychosis, early psychosis
- Attention deficit disorders with or without hyperactivity
- Phobic disorders