Comment rejoindre un de nos groupes ?
Si l'un de nos groupes vous intéresse et que vous êtes déjà patient, parlez-en à votre thérapeute ou au Service des admissions.
Si vous n'êtes pas encore suivi au Centre des Toises, parlez-en à votre médecin traitant qui vous fournira une prescription médicale, puis contactez le Service des admissions.
How do I join a therapeutic group?
If you are interested in one of our groups and are already a patient, talk to your therapist or the Admissions Department.
If you are not already being treated at Les Toises, speak to your doctor, who will provide you with a medical prescription, and then contact the Admissions Department.
Nos groupes thérapeutiques sont affichés selon la langue utilisée durant la séance. Les groupes disponibles en allemand sont visibles sur la page DE de notre site Internet.
Establishment of Lausanne
Auriculothérapie - NADA
Places disponibles | Psychocorporelle
6 participants | Semi-open group
- 1h15 | All year round
- Thursday | 13:30 to 14:45
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Autogestion de l'anxiété
Neuropsychologie et TCC
10 participants | Open group
- 1h45 | All year round
- Monday | 10:30 to 12:45
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Autogestion du trouble bipolaire
Groupe de parole | Places disponibles | Psychoéducation
12 participants | Closed group
- 1h30 | 12 sessions
- Monday | 16:00 to 17:30
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Médiation créative | Places disponibles
8 participants | Semi-open group
- 1h15 | All year round
- Thursday | 15:15 to 16:30
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Échange pour jeunes adultes en quête de sens
Groupe de parole | Jeunes adultes | Places disponibles
8 participants | Open group
- 1h45 | All year round
- Wednesday | 16:15 to 18:00
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Médiation créative
8 participants | Open group
- 1h30 | All year round
- Thursday | 13:00 to 14:30
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Entraînement aux compétences sociales pour enfants
Enfants & Adolescents
6 participants | Closed group
- 1h15 | 11 sessions
- Wednesday | 09:00 to 10:15
- Minimum age requirement : 13 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Enfants & Adolescents | Groupe de parole | Places disponibles
6 participants | Semi-open group
- 45min | All year round
- Wednesday | 14:00 to 14:45
- Minimum age requirement : 15 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Gestion positive des conflits et affirmation de soi
Affirmation de soi | Psychoéducation
8 participants | Closed group
- 1h45 | 14 sessions
- Tuesday | 12:15 to 14:00
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Initiation à l'Autohypnose
7 participants | Closed group
- 1h45 | 6 sessions
- Monday | 16:30 to 18:15
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Initiation à la pratique de la pleine conscience
Pleine Conscience
6 participants | Semi-open group
- 1h30 | 8 sessions
- Tuesday | 15:45 to 17:15
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Jeux et gestion des émotions
Affirmation de soi | Enfants & Adolescents | Pleine Conscience | Psychocorporelle
6 participants | Closed group
- 1h | 8 sessions
- Wednesday | 15:45 to 16:45
- Minimum age requirement : 6 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Enfants & Adolescents | Places disponibles | Psychocorporelle
6 participants | Open group
- 1h45 | 6 sessions
- Thursday | 09:30 to 11:30
- Minimum age requirement : 15 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Marche Adultes
6 participants | Open group
- 1h45 | All year round
- Wednesday | 10:00 to 12:00
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Musicothérapie (7 à 9 ans)
Enfants & Adolescents
6 participants | Open group
- 45min | All year round
- Thursday | 16:00 to 17:00
- Minimum age requirement : 7 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Parole pour jeunes adultes
Groupe de parole | Jeunes adultes
6 participants | Closed group
- 1h | All year round
- Thursday | 13:00 to 14:00
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Psychodrame de groupe
Enfants & Adolescents
6 participants | Open group
- 45min | All year round
- Thursday | 12:45 to 13:30
- Minimum age requirement : 7 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Establishment of Yverdon
Actualité du monde et de soi
8 participants | Open group
- 1h30 | 12 sessions
- Tuesday | 13:30 to 15:00
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Addiction : accros ou pas…?
12 participants | Open group
- 1h30 | 6 sessions
- Tuesday | 13:45 to 15:15
- Minimum age requirement : 17 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Approches psychocorporelles 1
6 participants | Closed group
- 1h30 | All year round
- Friday | 13:30 to 15:00
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Approches psychocorporelles 2, approfondissement
Pleine Conscience | Psychocorporelle
6 participants | Closed group
- 1h30 | 6 sessions
- Friday | 15:30 to 17:00
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Approfondissement de la pratique de la Pleine Conscience
Pleine Conscience
12 participants | Closed group
- 1h45 | 12 sessions
- Tuesday | 10:00 to 11:45
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Atelier Senteur
Groupe de parole | Psychoéducation
8 participants | Open group
- 1h15 | 8 sessions
- Wednesday | 13:15 to 14:30
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Compétences sociales et émotionnelles pour adolescents
Affirmation de soi | Enfants & Adolescents | Psychoéducation
6 participants | Closed group
- 1h30 | 12 sessions
- Tuesday | 17:00 to 18:30
- Download the group's flyer
Cuisine et saveurs : atelier thérapeutique
Médiation créative
5 participants | Open group
- 1h30 | 12 sessions
- Tuesday | 10:30 to 12:00
- Minimum age requirement : 19 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Expression créative thérapeutique
Médiation créative
5 participants | Open group
- 1h30 | 12 sessions
- Tuesday | 15:30 to 17:00
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Gérer ses émotions et communiquer de manière bienveillante
Affirmation de soi | Psychoéducation
6 participants | Closed group
- 1h30 | 15 sessions
- Thursday | 15:30 to 17:00
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Gym douce - Hommes
8 participants | Open group
- 1h30 | All year round
- Thursday | 15:30 to 17:00
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Gym douce – Femmes
8 participants | Open group
- 1h30 | All year round
- Thursday | 13:30 to 15:00
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Initiation à la pratique de la méditation en pleine conscience
Pleine Conscience
8 participants | Closed group
- 1h45 | 10 sessions
- Tuesday | 15:30 to 17:15
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Les émotions en mouvement
Affirmation de soi | Jeunes adultes | Médiation créative
7 participants | Closed group
- 1h | 10 sessions
- Monday | 16:00 to 17:00
- Download the group's flyer
Parole et accompagnement par le chien
Affirmation de soi | Groupe de parole
6 participants | Closed group
- 1h30 | 10 sessions
- Wednesday | 14:30 to 16:00
- Minimum age requirement : 25 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Se définir face à la maladie
Affirmation de soi | Places disponibles | Psychoéducation
8 participants | Closed group
- 1h30 | 15 sessions
- Monday | 10:00 to 11:30
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Establishment of Fribourg
Ateliers créatifs
Groupe de parole | Jeunes adultes | Médiation créative | Places disponibles | Pleine Conscience
10 participants | Open group
- 1h45 | All year round
- Wednesday | 15:00 to 16:45
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Comment gérer ses émotions
Neuropsychologie et TCC | Places disponibles
8 participants | Closed group
- 1h15 | 5 sessions
- Monday | 15:45 to 17:00
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
HPI - Pas Trop Mais Top
Approche combinée (Psychiatrique | Neuropsychiatrique | Psychothérapeutique) | Groupe de parole | Places disponibles
10 participants | Open group
- 1h30 | 1 session
- Monday | 16:30 to 18:00
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Places disponibles | Psychocorporelle | Psychoéducation
8 participants | Closed group
- 1h30 | All year round
- Tuesday | 17:00 to 18:30
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Oser s'affirmer
Affirmation de soi | Neuropsychologie et TCC | Places disponibles
10 participants | Closed group
- 1h30 | 10 sessions
- Tuesday | 16:30 to 18:00
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Parole : Identités de genre
Groupe de parole | Places disponibles
10 participants | Open group
- 1h30 | 26 sessions
- Wednesday | 16:30 to 18:00
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Parole pour les seniors
Groupe de parole | Places disponibles | Psychanalytique | Seniors
10 participants | Open group
- 1h30 | All year round
- Friday | 14:00 to 15:30
- Minimum age requirement : 65 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Groupe de parole | Médiation créative | Places disponibles
10 participants | Open group
- 1h30 | 10 sessions
- Wednesday | 16:00 to 17:30
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Soutien pour les réfugiés ukrainiennes : "Comment vas-tu ?"
Groupe de parole | Médiation créative | Places disponibles | Pleine Conscience | Psychoéducation
10 participants | Open group
- 1h45 | All year round
- Wednesday | 13:00 to 14:45
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
TDAH Module 1 : Introduction et Psychoéducation
10 participants | Closed group
- 1h30 | 2 sessions
- Tuesday | 17:00 to 18:30
- Minimum age requirement : 17 years old
- Download the group's flyer
TDAH Module 2 : Attention
10 participants | Open group
- 1h30 | 6 sessions
- Tuesday | 17:00 to 18:30
- Minimum age requirement : 17 years old
- Download the group's flyer
TDAH Module 3 : Hyperactivité et impulsivité
10 participants | Closed group
- 1h30 | 6 sessions
- Tuesday | 17:00 to 18:30
- Minimum age requirement : 17 years old
- Download the group's flyer
TDAH Module 4 : Relations interpersonnelles et communication
10 participants | Closed group
- 1h30 | 6 sessions
- Tuesday | 17:00 to 18:30
- Minimum age requirement : 17 years old
- Download the group's flyer
TDAH module 5
10 participants | Closed group
- 1h30 | 6 sessions
- Tuesday | 17:00 to 18:30
- Minimum age requirement : 17 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Thérapie Comportementale Dialectique
Places disponibles | Psychoéducation
8 participants | Semi-open group
- 1h30 | 20 sessions
- Thursday | 09:15 to 10:45
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Troubles du Sommeil
Neuropsychologie et TCC | Places disponibles
10 participants | Closed group
- 1h30 | 6 sessions
- Monday | 11:00 to 12:30
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Establishment of Sion
Communication et affirmation de soi
Neuropsychologie et TCC
8 participants | Closed group
- 1h45 | 10 sessions
- Thursday | 10:00 to 12:00
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Gestion des émotions
Neuropsychologie et TCC | Pleine Conscience | Psychocorporelle | Psychoéducation
10 participants | Closed group
- 1h45 | 10 sessions
- Tuesday | 09:45 to 11:30
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Groupe d'inspiration psychodrame
Enfants & Adolescents | Psychanalytique
6 participants | Closed group
- 1h30 | 12 sessions
- Tuesday | 17:00 to 18:30
- Minimum age requirement : 12 years old
- Download the group's flyer
PiFAM - Programme d'intervention sur les fonctions attentionnelles et métacognitives
Enfants & Adolescents
6 participants | Closed group
- 1h30 | 12 sessions
- Minimum age requirement : 11 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Thérapie comportementale dialectique
Neuropsychologie et TCC | Pleine Conscience | Psychoéducation
8 participants | Closed group
- 1h30 | 12 sessions
- Monday | 15:15 to 16:45
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Establishment of Neuchâtel
Activation corporelle | ça marche bien et ça parle mieux
Pleine Conscience | Psychocorporelle | Psychoéducation
10 participants | Open group
- 1h30 | All year round
- Wednesday | 14:00 to 15:30
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Atelier créatif
Groupe de parole | Jeunes adultes | Médiation créative | Pleine Conscience
10 participants | Open group
- 1h45 | All year round
- Tuesday | 16:30 to 18:15
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Bains de forêt ressourçants
Pleine Conscience | Psychocorporelle
10 participants | Open group
- 1h45 | All year round
- Thursday | 10:15 to 12:00
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Establishment of Bienne
Art-thérapie pour adulte
Médiation créative
6 participants | Open group
- 1h45 | 12 sessions
- Friday | 10:00 to 12:00
- Minimum age requirement : 16 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Développement des compétences émotionnelles : approche intégrative.
Neuropsychologie et TCC
10 participants | Closed group
- 1h30 | 10 sessions
- Tuesday | 14:00 to 16:00
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Méditation et techniques de relaxation
Pleine Conscience
10 participants | Open group
- 1h45 | 9 sessions
- Monday | 14:00 to 15:45
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Parole fondé sur la salutogenèse
Groupe de parole
10 participants | Open group
- 1h45 | 12 sessions
- Wednesday | 14:30 to 16:30
- Minimum age requirement : 16 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Paroles de séniors
Groupe de parole | Seniors
6 participants | Open group
- 45min | 12 sessions
- Monday | 14:30 to 16:30
- Minimum age requirement : 65 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Partage autour des addictions
Approche combinée (Psychiatrique | Neuropsychiatrique | Psychothérapeutique)
8 participants | Open group
- 1h45 | 12 sessions
- Thursday | 16:30 to 18:30
- Minimum age requirement : 18 years old
- Download the group's flyer
Personnes à haut potentiel
Approche combinée (Psychiatrique | Neuropsychiatrique | Psychothérapeutique)
8 participants | Semi-open group
- 1h30 | 12 sessions
- Monday | 16:30 to 18:00
- Minimum age requirement : 16 years old
- Download the group's flyer