A multidisciplinary team
Our approach is based on the close collaboration of different professions, each bringing its own unique expertise to guarantee quality care for our patients. Medical care is provided by a multidisciplinary medical team offering attentive listening and therapeutic solutions adapted to each situation.
This team is supported by a competent Administrative Department, which facilitates procedures and ensures a warm welcome. Finally, our Technical Services ensure that the care environment is optimal and safe, guaranteeing the smooth running of our infrastructures, equipment and IT tools.
Medical Direction of French-speaking Switzerland
Dr. med. Estelle Rollin-Simon
Medical Director, French-speaking Switzerland
FMH specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy
Trained in cognitive-behavioral therapy, Dr. med. Rollin-Simon treats patients with all kinds of psychological problems, but in particular those with bipolar disorder, ADHD and personality disorders, often in comorbidity.
International Affairs Department
Dr. med. Bernard Astruc
Director of International Medical Affairs
Psychiatry - psychotherapy division
Dr. med. Astruc has worked in Ethiopia, France and now Switzerland, where he has joined Les Toises - Centre de Psychiatrie et Psychothérapie as Director of International Medical Affairs.as Director of International Medical Affairs. He supports the Centre des Toises in its international development, notably through teleconsultation.
Teleconsultation is simply one way of practicing medicine at a distance. Practicing medicine by teleconsultation requires both that healthcare professionals be trained in the practice, and that patients be informed of the specific conditions of this type of medical practice and, of course, be able to consent to it.
Physician Assistant
Dr Hajer Krarti
Head of Unit
Psychiatry - psychotherapy specialist
Dr. Krarti's role is to welcome patients, understand their psychological difficulties and help them deal with their problems by providing a multitude of resources.In other words, a multidisciplinary team of psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric nurses and social workers.This care and therapeutic follow-up ensures personalized medical care for patients, supports them in their daily lives, prevents relapses and promotes social and professional reintegration.
Empathic listening and accompanying patients in their psychological suffering are at the heart of our profession.
Admissions Department
Claire Masetti
Head of Clinical Administrative Services and Expertise
Patients can make an appointment by telephone on 0584 580 580 or by using the contact form on our website www.lestoises.ch/admission.
To organize their treatment at our facilities, new patients are contacted by one of our admissions assistants, who will receive their request and, depending on the information gathered, direct them to the most appropriate therapist.During this discussion, all the necessary administrative formalities are explained.On the day of the first appointment, the patient will be greeted by our receptionists, who will finalize his or her administrative file and then meet with the therapist.
Service Monitoring
Michael Esteves
Nurse in charge of the Monitoring Department
The creation of the Monitoring Service is part of Les Toises' commitment to taking care of the whole patient. Not only for their mental health problems, but also for their physical ones.
The department carries out a number of examinations, including blood tests, electrocardiograms and so on. Anything to do with the patient's physical health.
Reporting and Editing Department
Hasnia Zaddam
Editorial assistant
The Reports and Editorial Department provides therapists with day-to-day administrative support, enabling them to concentrate on the therapeutic follow-up of their patients.
The role of this department is to lay out medical reports written by therapists for various state and private organizations.It is also responsible for ensuring that these documents comply with the typographical standards set by the establishment, and for checking that they are free of errors.
Development Department
Flavien Volken
Web Developer
To ensure the best possible care for our patients, the role of this department is to develop and maintain management tools that meet therapists' needs. These include diary management, therapeutic follow-up and teleconsultation.
The strength of this department lies in its proximity to the people working in the field, so that they can collaborate effectively to improve the internal tools developed.
Nursing Service
Malika Heddouche
Nurse coordinator for psychiatric care
The nursing service works under the authority of a doctor. Beforehand, there isan Intervision with the doctor to discuss the situation and define therapeutic objectives. This meeting can take place in the patient's presence.During the first meeting, a nursing assessment is carried out and follow-up can begin.Subsequent appointments are organized according to the patient's needs and state of health. Our action is focused on the quality of our care and on patient satisfaction.
The Nursing Service also has an on-call service for emergencies.
Medical Services
Social assistance | Medicine | Neuropsychology |
Psychiatry | Psychology | Nursing service |
Medication service | Monitoring department | Medical research department |
Administrative Services
Administration | Admissions department | Archive department |
Billing department | Finance and Payrol | Quality department |
Reporting and Editing Department | Reception | Human resources department |
Technical Services
Call center service | Communication department | Development department |
IT Services | Infrastructure department | Stewardship Service |