
The mobile team for psychiatry of advanced age is an integral part of the Service for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the Elderly at the Centre des Toises. It is intended for any person of advanced age suffering from a psychological disorder, whether or not associated with cognitive impairment.

The multidisciplinary team comprises psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, psychologists, nurses, care assistants, occupational therapists, social workers and a clinical pharmacist. It works in tandem with medical and nursing staff to assess and monitor patients with reduced mobility in their living environment (home or EMS).

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  • Offer outpatient, multidisciplinarypsychiatric and psychotherapeuticcare to older people experiencing an existential crisis or suffering from a mental disorder.
  • Offer psychiatric and cognitive assessments to elderly people with mental disorders.
  • Offer intensive individual and group therapyin crisis situations.
  • Support families and caregivers.
  • Collaborate closely with attending physicians and the entire medico-social network, such as specialists, home care, EMS, day-care centers, associations, etc.
  • Encourage people to stay at home or, if necessary, support the transition to a new place to live, in collaboration with the family and the care network.

Psychological disorders and illnesses covered

  • Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Addiction-related disorders
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorders
  • Personality disorders
  • Stress-related disorders
    (post-traumatic stress disorder, burnout syndrome)
  • Schizophrenia and other forms of psychosis
  • Sleep disorders
  • Mood disorders
    (depression, bipolar disorder)
  • Persistent somatoform pain and other somatoform disorders
  • Other mental disorders affecting the elderly

Practical info

  • Services are reimbursed by basic health insurance (LAMal).

Requesting a check-up or treatment
For further information, please contact the Admissions Department.